Welcome to my shop!

Silliness and goofiness awaits...

Enter the chaos

Convention Schedule

Awesomecon 2025 in DC (Accepted :D)

Fan Expo Philly 2025 (Applied)

After the summer of 2025, I will be away for most of the year in Japan doing study abroad! Unfortunately I can't do any American cons during that time :(

About Gloomacus

Hi, welcome to my store! You can call me gloom. I run this shop in my spare time, I am currently a full time college student. I'm known for my goofy handmade keychains, but I also make stickers and phone charms. My commissions are currently closed, but may open in the future. I sell at cons when I can, I live on the east coast. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email me at gloomacus@gmail.com

Thank you so much for checking out my shop!